

Eating Disorders.

If you know or suspect that you are dealing with anorexia, bulimia, compulsive or binge-eating disorder, orthorexia, exercise bulimia, body dysmorphia, and more, I have been specializing in all aspects of eating disorders since the beginning of my career. Assisting my clients in finding freedom from the prison of eating disorders is my absolute passion!

support for women's issues

Women’s Issues.

If you are looking for support related to mood disorders or mood-related challenges, postpartum depression or anxiety, balancing demands of motherhood, marriage and career, pregnancy and infant loss, body image distress and more, I can help.

Trauma Recovery.

If you are looking for a safe space to process the trauma of childhood abuse, growing up amidst the addiction of one or both parents, domestic violence, imitate partner betrayal and more, I offer a place to grieve and heal.